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Cute (Cup)Cake Stand


When I saw this at RHdesigns,

I knew I had to make something similar. It's just a simple plate and bowl glued together!

So, when Chloe made her felt cupcake, I went to Goodwill looking for a cute saucer to put it on. What I found was even better!

Here's what I did:

1. I found an assortment of clean dessert plates, glass candle-holders, and short champagne glasses. Total cost: $4.87.

2. Then I turned the candle holders and champagne glasses upside down and glued them to the bottom of the plates.

3. I used hot glue. Since the plates were clear, I set a paper doily on it to cover any glue showing (although the hot glue dries clear).

4. Set a cute little cake on it (real or fake!) and voila!

Here are some other fun ways to do this.

These are simple vases and plates.

These at Armelle prove you can make any kind you want and use just about any kind of dish:

Yard sales, resale shops, and even your attic probably have everything you need to make some very creative and inexpensive cake (and cupcake) stands!

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