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Paleo Party Mix


This recipe came about in my effort to 1) cut out carbs for weight loss, and 2) find a snack that was salty and crunchy (my favorite combination). I am following a semi-paelo eating plan. I say semi-, because I include butter and cream, as well as limited Dr. Pepper. Don't judge me. : )

One of my favorite snacks is homemade Chex Party Mix, but sadly, it's not Paleo. So I improvised. With the basic recipe for Chex Party Mix and raw mixed nuts, I came up with Paleo Party Mix.

Well, the results were very pleasing! Try this if you need a party food that's healthy and filling, and extremely flavorful!

Get the Origianl Chex Party Mix recipe here, and just substitute two 10 oz. bags of nuts for the cereals and pretzels.

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