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Back to Homeschool: High School and College Part 2

You can read Part 1 of this post here.

 So, if college is not in the picture, what does high school look like in our house?

Pretty much like homeschool has for 12 years. You see, the world’s standards for my children are not the same as mine. This is why a transcript is not important in our home. The “state” may require a set of credits, but what do those credits mean if college is not in their future? The SAT is not as important to me as knowing that my children are fully functioning adults.

In our home, we say that we are raising “people, not high-school graduates.” If I want my kids to grow up into functioning adults, I want them to be able have a healthy, God-honoring marriage, manage a home, and raise children, “walk in the truth,” and “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The jobs or careers they have are secondary in importance to all of these.
No matter the path they choose, we believe that all of our children should have some basic abilities:
Obviously, this is not all, but it certainly includes a more detailed list under each category.

In my daughter’s case, specifically, we know that she plans to pursue one of her hobbies as a means of income. Her hobbies are many and useful, and she already enjoys a small business sewing for friends. She also recently signed up with Origami Owl to become a consultant (Designer), since they accept girls under 18. She is already extremely capable as a homemaker. She is well read and can carry on intelligent conversation. I am not bragging; I'm stating her qualifications as a near-adult.

So her high school path is preparing her for her specific future. Academics have taken a backseat to “real life” studies. Her schedule currently looks like this:

In her free time, she reads even more, listens to audiobooks, makes quilts, cooks from scratch, decorates her room, dallies in gardening, plays Minecraft, and helps to care for her 4 younger siblings.

Our desire is to train daughters who are homemakers, and sons who can provide for their families (so their wives can be homemakers). We have always encouraged our children (both boys and girls) to consider living at home until marriage. There are several reasons for this:

 The younger kids in our house say they “will always live with Mom and Dad.” We know that will change as they grow, but we never say “you have to move out when you graduate!” or anything of the kind. We look forward to these new, young adult relationships.

Before my daughter arrived at her decision not to attend college, she considered several possibilities: cosmetology, interior design, and cake decorating. But after further research into each specific field, she was able to narrow her choices based on the type of schooling required, the type of work or hours required, the stress of the job, and how it would affect her future in being a homemaker. Her goal is to learn to do something that will allow her to work from home (if a job is necessary to support herself or supplement her husband’s income). None of the above choices seemed appealing after deeper thought. This process took about 2 years; it did not happen overnight.

So as her senior year begins, we will enjoy the transition from child to adult, and spend each day talking, learning, discussing, and planning for whatever future God has for her. It’s actually a very refreshing and exciting time!

So, what if one of my kids wants to be a doctor? What if my daughter finds herself a single mom at some point? What will she fall back on?

I will answer some common questions in Part 3.

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