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Our Schedule

If you are a stay at home mom, and especially a homeschool mom, you're favorite blog posts are probably other people's schedules. They are for me. I like to know how other people manage, and see if I can pick up a new idea for our house along the way.

Yesterday, I had fun reading this:

large family, moms of many, manage,

They posted their schedules last week, and then yesterday, live-blogged about how it really goes. It was so much fun, I decided to do it, too!

So, today, I will share our schedule. And then on Monday I will give you a glimpse into how a day really goes around here.

If you're new here, I have 4 adorable children:

Claudia (13), the artistic one

Nathan (2), the Baby

Chloe (9), the quiet one

Nicholas (4), the crazy kid

So, here's what our schedule looks like on paper:

6:00 Mom wake up, get dressed, spend time with Hubby before he leaves

6:30 Read Bible

7:00 Kids wake up, watch a show on the couch, Mom makes breakfast

7:30 Breakfast and Bible reading

8:00 Kids get dressed, clean rooms, do daily and weekly chores; Mom helps little boys with this

8:30 Claudia shower, Chloe practice piano, little boys play, Mom does chores, laundry

9:00 Claudia practice piano, Chloe play with little boys, Mom exercise

9:30 Mom has preschool with Boys, Girls do math, spelling, grammar, copywork

10:30 Girls read, boys play or watch video

11:00 Free time and/or errands

12:00 Lunch, begin read aloud while kids eat

12:30 Girls clean up from lunch, Nicholas play or help, Mom put Nathan down for nap

1:00 Sonlight studies (read-alouds, history, language, maps, etc.)

After Sonlight is over, the kids are free, unless they have any schoolwork that wasn't finished earlier. This is the end of our 'scheduled' time.

Check back Monday to see how it really goes!


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