This wing was awesome! They had displays of uniforms from all the branches of service at many times throughout history. There was also a whole room dedicated to
from each war in U.S. History.

This cabin was INSIDE the museum and furnished. We enjoyed walking through it to see the different rooms. It was an actual cabin moved from its original site in the county.

This log cabin was outside the museum building. It was the first building in
Ardmore, built in the late 1800's. It was relocated to this site.
Oklahoma has an interesting
history. It was once part of the wide open prairie, and has a large Indian population. It was also known as Indian Territory. The
Oklahoma Land Rush is a very exciting story.
And that was our fun and educational trip to Ardmore, OK. Chloe said, "This is the best day ever!" And all the kids agreed that we should do that again soon.
Next time your family is having cabin fever or just needs a change of scenery, I urge you to pick a town within driving distance from your house, look them up online, and find all the fun things you can do there. You will have fun, and probably learn something new, too!